Opening Banquet

17th February 2011 / Hare & Hounds
Dinner served 8pm – 1am / Set Menu £6 per person.


Introducing SOUNDkitchen’s house style. Contemporary, adventurous, sonic gastronomy. Sample the best of local, British and international new trends and established classics.


Two Left Ears (incidental music DJ)
Mixing up a selection of bite-sized morsels to whet your appetite between courses.



Ecclasia (live Theremin and wiimote performance)
A skillful combination of old and new techniques culminates in an explosion of synthetic surprises.



Martin Clarke (audiovisual performance)
Naturally sourced sounds and images, lightly blended into a multi-sensory experience.


Norah Lorway (live laptop performance)
A dish of Canadian origin, full of slow-roasted drones and crispy garnishes.


Main Courses

Simon Whetham (live laptop performance)
An interntionally sourced pallete of natural sounds offering layers of depth and texture.


modulate (live laptop performance)
Modernist style, synthetic techniques, prepared three ways.



Bobbalin’ Hot (DJ set)
Sweet, sticky warmth with exotic undertones.


Hare&Hounds, 106 High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7JZ