Ort. Cafe, The Old Printworks, 500-506 Moseley Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 9AH

Tickets – £6 (£4 adv)

SOUNDkitchen celebrate their 1st birthday this year and will be celebrating on Friday 17th February at Ort. Artist and Community Cafe. The exciting line up includes @C, Mecha/Orga, Anvil & Stirrup and Ben Ramsay.


Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela collaborate as @c since 2000. Their work is developed from three complimentary approaches to sound art and digital music: procedural composition, concrete music and improvisation. Over the years they have been developing complex and structured compositions, with one foot in the fields of experimental contemporary sound art and the other in live performance. If their compositions are usually built around strong structural foundations, it’s also common that multiple cells of sound are freed from these structures when integrated into the work, developing elaborate strategies of deconstruction.

Improvisation, either in dialogue or discussion, is central to @c’s performances, as is the will to create open compositions and to nurture ongoing processes that digitally amplify sound realities.

In 2003 Carvalhais and Tudela were among the founding partners of the Crónica media label that they since run.


Mecha/Orga is the project and recording name of Greek sound artist Yiorgis Sakellariou.

Since 2003, he has been active internationally being responsible for solo albums, having composed music for short films
and theatrical performances, leading workshops and ceaselessly performing his music around the globe.

His practice is founded on the digital manipulation of environmental recordings. His palette of sounds is all encompassing;
from vibrating rail-tracks to refridgerators’ static, and from noisy waterfalls to the humming of insects, all may find place in his arsenal.

He only performs in absolute darkness, fostering an all-inclusive and profoundly submerging sonic experience.

Yiorgis Sakellariou is a member of the Athenian Contemporary Music Research Centre (founded by I. Xenakis) and the Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association.
Since 2004 he curates the CD-R label Echomusic – so far being responsible for 18 releases of Greek and international artists

 Anvil & Stirrup

Anvil & Stirrup is an electroacoustic collaboration between the composers Iain Armstrong and Antti Sakari Saario, who met each other whilst being members of BEAST. Their collaborative work spans straight-ahead acousmatic composition, interactive installations, performative sound art and more experimental electroacoustic output on fixed media

Ben Ramsay

A SOUNDkitchen stalwart Ben Ramsay will  return to SOUNDkitchen with a birthday celebratory DJ set!


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