We are pleased to announce the addition of another local Birmingham artist to our next SOUNDkitchen event on 28th Nov.

Antonio Roberts is a new-media artist and curator whose work focuses on the errors and glitches generated by digital technology. He will be joining our New Collaboration artists Chris Herbert & Nicholas Bullen to improvise live visuals to their audio.

Regular SOUNDkitchen followers will be familiar with Roberts’ work, where his programming of custom built software in Pure Data is often characterised by crisp, complex abstract manipulations exploding with vibrant, contrasting colour. For this performance the introduction of analogue technology promises a deviation into a more organic aesthetic, gauzy and murky in quality. We’re very excited to present the opportunity to see and hear these three artists work together for the first time.

As a performer and visual artist Roberts’ work has been featured at galleries and festivals including Databit.me in Arles, France, Loud Tate at Tate Britain in London and f(Glitch) at Stony Brook University, NY.  Since 2007 he has curated a number of exhibitions and projects including fizzPOP (2009 – 2010), GLI.TC/H Birmingham (2011), the Birmingham edition of Bring Your Own Beamer (2012, 2013) and Dirty New Media (2013).