Only a week until the first gig of our Series 2015 on Friday 12th June. Along the Swiss duo Diatribes we have an other duo on the bill, Manoli Moriaty and Frances Kay.

Joining us from Manchester, Manoli Moriaty is a composer, performer, researcher and founder of sound art collective Metanast. His practice spans cross-disciplinary performance, self-made noise systems and electroacoustic tape works.

For this event he will be sharing the stage with Frances Kay a performance artist who explores the effects of performance on the body and mind. To this end she uses many disciplines such as endurance, duration and self-inflicted pain.

Together they will perform ‘Symbiosis’, a collaborative interdisciplinary performance involving two performers engaged in creating and controlling sounds through motion. Named after the biological phenomenon describing persistent interactions among different species, the performers become interconnected through motion sensors and tactile devices. The resulting act is a combination of improvisations and set gestures, and can manifest in relations that range from mutualistic to parasitic associations.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming both these artists to SOUNDkitchen. Don’t forget that Supersonic Festival ticket holders get free entry to this gig and advance tickets are on sale now for £5 +BF.