SOUNDwalk: Winterbourne Gardens, Birmingham

(45 min environmental listening, live microphones, recorded audio) Commissioned by Royal Musicological Association 2015 SOUNDktichen were commissioned to create a SOUNDwalk for delegates of the Royal Musicological Association annual conference which was held at the University of Birmingham in September 2015. The 45 minute walk began beneath Old Joe, the clock tower in the centre … Read More

SOUNDwalk: Grand Union Canal, Birmingham

(60 min environmental listening, live microphones) Commissioned by Flatpack Film Festival 2104A guided SOUNDwalk  taking in the Grand Union Canal and the backstreets of Digbeth. This often overlooked but varied urban landscape, on the edge of Birmingham city centre, presents a rich listening environment for those who take the time to stop and listen. Sonic … Read More

SOUNDwalk: Edgbaston Reservoir, Birmingham

(90 min environmental listening, live microphones, recorded audio) Commissioned by Still Walking Festival Sept 2013 Photo: Iain Armstrong This guided walk explored in detail the changing soundscape of the Edgbaston Reservoir, an important site for nature conservation and a popular urban leisure destination situated close to the city centre. The walk was punctuated with several … Read More