In addition to the tour dates, John Russell will also be offering a series of free improvisation workshops in the afternoons before the events.


John’s workshops in free improvisation are generally open for players of all abilities and any instrumentation but can be tailored to suit the circumstance (age, experience, instrument etc.). In general, subjects include listening, the nature of sound, ways to interact with other players, the nature of free improvisation, getting the most from your instrument and optimising your capabilities. A number of participatory exercises and structures evolved from working with other musicians are used in a practical way to highlight different aspects in the music and the overall structure is built towards a live performance programme.

We’ll be holding a workshop on 23 April, 2-4pm at the Bramall Music Building, Birmingham. Tickets cost £10 and places are limited so book early!

To register interest, please email with the subject line ‘Mopomoso workshop’.