Series 2015 #01 – Diatribes

Friday 12 June sees the start of our Series 2015 when we’ll be back at VIVID Projects in Digbeth.  Advance tickets are on sale already and please note the earlier start time of 6.00pm. This is because the gig is a warm up to the fantastic Supersonic Festival which kicks off later that evening. If … Read More

Series #04 – Elías Merino

The third act on our line up for the final event of our 2014 Series #04 is Spanish composer and sound artist Elías Merino. Merino’s work explores computer-generated composition, electroacoustic music, soundscape and concrète sounds as an abstract and imaginary object away from the acoustic environment, and involves sound processes achieved mainly through digital technology. … Read More

Series #04 – Antonio Roberts

We are pleased to announce the addition of another local Birmingham artist to our next SOUNDkitchen event on 28th Nov. Antonio Roberts is a new-media artist and curator whose work focuses on the errors and glitches generated by digital technology. He will be joining our New Collaboration artists Chris Herbert & Nicholas Bullen to improvise … Read More