Series #04 – Antonio Roberts

We are pleased to announce the addition of another local Birmingham artist to our next SOUNDkitchen event on 28th Nov. Antonio Roberts is a new-media artist and curator whose work focuses on the errors and glitches generated by digital technology. He will be joining our New Collaboration artists Chris Herbert & Nicholas Bullen to improvise … Read More

Series #04 – Samuel Rodgers

Samuel Rodgers is returning to SOUNDkitchen for our final event of the 2014 Series. We enjoyed his appearance with Jack Harris back in 2012 and are looking forward to a solo performance on this occasion. Rodgers is a musician and artist working across improvisation, composition, performance and installation. His approach is often characterised by restraint, tending … Read More

New Collaboration #04 – Herbert & Bullen

The final event in our 2014 Series takes place on 28th November at VIVID Projects and features our fourth New Collaboration from composers Chris Herbert & Nicholas Bullen. We are delighted to have these two Birmingham based artists perform together for the first time at SOUNDkitchen, a commission made possible through the generous support of … Read More