Robert Curgenven

We are delighted that Robert Curgenven will be returning to SOUNDkitchen next week to perform MASS, a work that is created from pipe organs in Cornwall and treated through dub aesthetics via early 20th century acetates, dubplates, new vinyl and custom low frequency oscillators to blend the all important hiss and doubling of displaced time inspired by … Read More

Kostis Kilymis

This July, we will be welcoming Greek composer Kostis Kilymis to the SOUNDkitchen stage. Kilymis works on audio feedback systems and re-presentation. His practice touches upon music, performance, installation work and video – developed using a mixture of electronic and acoustic approaches. He has collaborated with musicians such as Lucio Capece, Nikos Veliotis, Leif Elggren, … Read More

New Collaborations #2 announced

We are excited to announce the next in our series of New Collaborations will bring together composers Monty Adkins and Martin Clarke. Adkins’ work is characterised by slow shifting organic instrumental and concrete soundscapes. His work focuses on encouraging a deeper immersive listening experience and his new works draw together elements from ambient, minimal electronica, acousmatic and … Read More