2013 Series #03 – Robert Curgenven

We are delighted to be welcoming Robert Curgenven to the next SOUNDkitchen event on 23 may. Originally from Australia and after several years in Europe  Curgenven is now based in the UK in Cornwall. The Wire has described Curgenven’s work as “bringing together some of the recurring preoccupations of experimental music for the last 20-odd … Read More

João Castro Pinto – Series #03 – May 23

We’re delighted to announce that João Castro Pinto, Portuguese composer and researcher, will be performing at SOUNDkitchen’s Series #03 on May 23rd. Pinto has performed extensively in Europe, USA and Asia and we are looking forward to welcoming him to Birmingham. He will be performing a live laptop improvisation using field recordings from recent tours … Read More

John Russell workshop

In addition to the tour dates, John Russell will also be offering a series of free improvisation workshops in the afternoons before the events.   John’s workshops in free improvisation are generally open for players of all abilities and any instrumentation but can be tailored to suit the circumstance (age, experience, instrument etc.). In general, … Read More